· By Samara Nilsson
Dr Pickles Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

Heal your Tattoo with the Original and the Best!
Congratulations for adding to your tattoo collection!
Despite looking awesome, new tattoos are still an open wound and need to be tended to with care to ensure that not only the artwork looks pristine, but also to also avoid infection.
The better you look after your tattoo from the start, the better it will look in years to come.
Most tattoo artists and collectors recommend and follow the Dr Pickles Tattoo Aftercare Method for fresh tattoos:
- After the tattoo is completed, most tattoo artists will wrap over the fresh tattoo with Dr Pickles Pickle Wrap. Depending on your artist’s instructions, we recommend removing the Pickle Skin when you get home after your session with warm water.
- Please note, as Dr Pickles Pickle Wrap is a very thin adhesive, we do not recommend the wrap to be left on a tattoo over two consecutive days.
- Before touching your fresh tattoo, sanitise your hands with Dr Pickles Original Tattoo Foam Wash.
- When removing the film, wash your fresh tattoo with warm water and Dr Pickles Original Tattoo Foam Wash. Gently remove ay excess ink, fluids and blood with your hands (do not press down or use a wash-cloth) under the running water.
- Pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel or paper towel and let it air until the skin is starting to feel tight and dry. It is important to let the tattoo breathe like this any time it gets wet before it goes into the peeling stage. Most tattoos should be washed 2-3 times daily.
- Apply a thin layer of Dr Pickles Original Formula Tattoo Balm to your dry tattoo until it is completely healed (this is usually around 14 days). The layer should be just enough to make the tattoo shine.
- Continue washing and sanitising the tattoo site with Dr Pickles Original Tattoo Foam Wash and applying Dr Pickles Original Formula Tattoo Balm as directed until the tattoo heals.
- If reapplying Dr Pickles Tattoo Film, place a very small amount of balm on the tattoo, then reapply the Pickle Wrap with sanitised hands.
Tattoo Hygiene Tips to Remember
- Do Not scratch or pick off any scabs that may form or peel off flaked skin. This may invite serious infection and scars may form.
- Do Not go swimming until the tattoo is completely healed.
- Do Not remove Pickle Wrap dry – be sure to remove it under running water
- Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible whilst the tattoo is healing. After it is healed, apply SPF 50+ Sunscreen to ensure the tattoo does not fade.
Note on Peeling
Your tattoo is likely to peel, you will notice small flakes of coloured skin falling off. Although it may feel itchy and might be tempting to peel the tattooed area, let the flakes fall on their own.
Peeling a tattoo may draw out the ink leaving places in your tattoo where the ink has dropped out. Flaking is likely to happen in the first 4-7 days.
Some tattoos also have a second peeling within the first two weeks, usually the flakes this time are clear, however it is just as important to let them fall on their own accord. Full healing of the tattoo will take 4-7 weeks.
Tattoo Maintenance
- After your tattoo is healed, you should apply a thin layer ofDr Pickles Original Formula Tattoo Balm to your tattoo collection as a moisturiser to keep your tattoos looking shiny and bright.
- If your tattoo is ever raised, use Dr Pickles Original Formula Deluxe Foaming Tattoo Washto sanitise your tattoo.
- Always apply Dr Pickles Tattoo Protection SPF 50 Sunscreento all tattoos before any exposure to the sun. Even a small amount of exposure to the sun will cause your tattoo to fade.
- If your tattoo is ever irritated, red or feeling hot, use Dr Pickles Original Formula Deluxe Foaming Tattoo Washto cool and soothe your tattoo (the Vitamin E and Aloe Vera is perfect for this).
Your Tattoo Artist will know Best
Always listen to the instructions and advice that your tattoo artist gives you – they are trained professionals!
This instructional blog is not designed to replace the advice of trained professionals.
Happy healing!